Our Site Description - Site Map
The Main Page of our site contents links to the most interesting articles, the lastest macroeconomic news that devoted to the world economy and world markets. You can also find here the information about US economy, Russia's economy, Japan's economy, EU economy and gross domestic product. World statistics, graphs and data, monthly reviews are also available.
The Lastest Macroeconomic News
You can read the lastest macroeconomic news that will give you infromation about the world economy and the regional economies such as US economy, Russia's economy, Japan's economy, economy of European Union.
The Page contents links to the monthly economic reviews. Every review contents the most important information about economic events, changes of economic indicators and economic forecasts which were published during the month.
Statistics - Global Economic Indicators' Graphs and Data
The economic indicators' values are updated monthly. You can find the graphs of main economic indicators here. Also you can create graph of every economic indicator (world index) by using the form or view data for the graph.
The Page contents links to the following groups of articles: the World economy and regional economies, the commodities' markets reviews, regional economic blocs and unions, world economic indicators, world economic organizations.
Here you can find the links to the related economic sites.
The Page contents information about our site which includes the description of pages and economic information that related to the pages.